Plastic Surgery

The vagina can lose its firmness and tone with aging or multiple vagina deliveries (childbirth). This increase in the size of the vagina could be a concern for you or your partner.

Liposuction & Body Contouring Liposuction in Nigeria can be done safely, The procedure is simply the surgical removal of fat from the subcutaneous plane (under…
LBC_302- liposuction

Microneedling (DermaPen4) Signs of aging can begin to appear long before you are ready to consider surgical rejuvenation. Fine lines, skin laxity and age spots…


THIGH LIFT A youthful thigh is usually firm and smooth. The skin of the thigh can become loose and sag causing the thigh to lose…

Breast Lift The breasts can fall victim to sagginess, as pregnancy, nursing and the natural aging process start to take their toll. Your once perky…


Facial rejuvenation can mean different things to different people. There are non-invasive and minimally invasive treatments and procedures.

Facial Rejuvenation

Botox injections effectively treat fine lines and wrinkles and crow’s feet.

Breast implants, size reducing, re-shaping, lifting, with the maximum effect.

Eliminate excess skin and fat that remains after previously losing weight.

Laser correction of vision, shape contour, hooded eye corrective surgery.

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