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Breast Augmentation (Enlargement) The size of the breast can be increased using a silicone implant. Some persons have naturally small breast or the breast may…

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Fat transfer to the Breast The breasts are often a source of cosmetic concern for women, particularly if they are not the size or shape…


Breast Reduction Some women have breast that is proportionately big compared to their physique. This big breast size may result in symptoms such as shoulder…


Tuck (Flat Tummy) or Abdominoplasty What is a Tummy Tuck? Abdominoplasty or tummy tuck (flat tummy surgery) surgery is designed for individuals who desire tight,…


BRAZILIAN BUTT LIFT The backside has become a point of focus in recent years, as fuller curves have become a feature to be desired. If…


The vagina can lose its firmness and tone with aging or multiple vagina deliveries (childbirth). This increase in the size of the vagina could be a concern for you or your partner.

Liposuction & Body Contouring Liposuction in Nigeria can be done safely, The procedure is simply the surgical removal of fat from the subcutaneous plane (under…
LBC_302- liposuction

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Microneedling (DermaPen4) Signs of aging can begin to appear long before you are ready to consider surgical rejuvenation. Fine lines, skin laxity and age spots…


THIGH LIFT A youthful thigh is usually firm and smooth. The skin of the thigh can become loose and sag causing the thigh to lose…

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